Thursday, February 3, 2011

Talk and Share w/Grandma about stupid/genius

Some people like stupid. Me, I like genius. Geniuses are people who think objectively to my mind. Like babies who are born geniuses (unless they're affected by and left with unresolved issues in vitro which would interfere with clear, objective thinking.) I agree with Dr. Wayne Dyer, babies are born geniuses until (as Buckminster Fuller said) grown ups/life de-geniuses them. The Saints or God People are the most intelligent beings in the world looking at Creation from the top down.

But there are plenty of plain ordinary run of the mill geniuses in America who have the ability to be honest, humble, well informed who think objectively. Dr. Keith Ablow said "You can tell when someone is lying." I found this to be true. Watching reality crime shows, for example, after the detectives interview the perps, the detectives walk out and says, he's lying, or he knows more than he's saying, or I believe her. 99 out of 100% of the time, that detective's reading is correct, because of years of experience or powerful intuition or keen instincts or logical thinking.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More tips to help you grow yourself and your business

Resources - free or cheap!

SCORE these retired executives have lots of business smarts and are willing to volunteer to counsel you. This past Saturday, for just $59 they taught how to write a business plan . And what we need to know regarding the bottom line of a business - making money!

Another great resource of information - Fox Business Network (they give you the power to prosper) Cheryl Casone went to Purchase NY today and interviewed the CEO of Pepsico, their scientists, their lab, their recycle program--on and off all day we learned inside information from the people who make things happen in this hugly successful corporation worth billions of dollars. They are the second largest food and beverage company in the world. I am constantly being amazed at the high level of information this network gives us new small businesses. Also you can see the winners of the best videos (I think Pepsi videos I'm not sure) contest Sunday during the Super Bowl. Do you think they copied me lol!! I have a contest for the best video of the guitar virtuoso Singh Birdsong going on for months now on my website I'm thinkng though I have great prizes I may have to up the cash prize to $1000 maybe $2000 to encourage better videos. What do you think? Would you get off the couch and find Singh Birdsong gigging for $2000.

Until tomorrow, thanks for reading my thoughts. I'd be happy to hear yours anytime. I love to Talk and Share.