Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royals Wedding,Atlas Shrugged,LtColCongressman Allen West for President 2012


I get that there are spoilers out there who pooh pooh anything more elevated than a beer and the belch to go with it, due to an unfortunate jealous heart or like Michelle O so many faux paus I don't even know how to spell the term, where's Robin when I need her education? Oh Presenting a Paper before some August Body in Florence) But you know what I mean faux paus as in "screw ups," that you miss out on THE Social Event of the Century, (what people like her live for) The Royals Wedding as in a gracious Lady Commoner, Kate Middleton marries the Heir to the Throne of England (I guess after the Prince or Duke of Cambridge, William's Dad who the ever devoted to duty, Queen Elizabeth wouldn't let anywhere near the Throne after the whole Camilla embarrassment he brought upon the Monarchy, how am I doing Robin?). Anyhow, did I make my point? The W.H.who bows before dictators and shuns and humiliates our friends, Israel and England did not receive an invite which to you might mean little but believe me to her, meant EVERYTHING! Fox News who tells the truth about everybody and who are smeared regularly by traitors in power was invited. Martha and Shep represented America quite nicely. For once the good people won.

The other news is read the comments on Atlas Shrugged the movie on Facebook. They show clearly that this Movie is also a major Event/Happening we use to call such a rare source of inspiration and excitement. Despite the virtual main stream media blackout we the people are seeing and enjoying this "different" kind of movie. Ayn Rand was a visionary. And this movie like the book shows exactly what is going on in the here and NOW! And the people are seeing it. So make sure you go see it and take 14 friends. You will all be happy you did!

Lt Col Congressman Allen West for President I say and so does Beck. The Congressman says he's not running. The last I heard Glenn Beck was planning to trick him into running. Good luck with that approach Beck. That man is as good a man as George Washington or the other Great People Founders. Glenn Beck has been turning over every leaf looking for another George Washington ever since he realized what danger our freedom is in. To make this email short I'll briefly relate some of the YouTube Video Congressman West made telling the story of the world's greatest warriors, the Spartans. Toward the end of the story, he says it was the mothers of the Spartan army men that made them such fierce fighters. You have to check out the Video yourself to appreciate his telling of the entire tale. While you're at it check out the Video where the Lt Col said (what won me over immediately upon hearing) somebody asked him if he'd do what he got into trouble in the army for doing again to get information from the enemy to save his men? He said, I'd walk through fire with a can of gasoline to save my men! I know Erik you would rather take a different route as we tweeted about. lol Everybody read Erik Rush's brilliant book, Negrophilia, if you want to understand why you think what you think. Any other time in history this book would be in the schools instead of books by communists. Unless you watch Fox News or Fox Business Network or you may not know that the Congressman happens to have color in his skin. Whatever that means. Nothing. He also said he stands before the world today because his mother told him this important command: A Man must stand for something, or else he will fall for anything!

Love to all!

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