Sunday, January 30, 2011

Up from Down emotionally & economically

Tip: Remember the law of attraction, you have to monitor your thoughts. And make sure you are mostly in a state of feeling good so that you attract good back to you, back into your life! Paying attention is the most important work of being a human being.

I'm posting a partial script that will help solve your problem of not generating enough money from your business.

It's a matter of admitting your feelings and states of mind. I'll post the admissions in the first person. I'm stumped. I'm not knowing why I've not sold my products and services and self. I'm completely stunned and stumped, baffled, perplexed. I want my products and service bought by the Market place.
I'm satisfied they are exceptional offerings which makes it all the more puzzling that I'm not moving them. I have the conviction that the problem lies in the way I think.

Okay. A couple questions, please. Can Man Govern Himself? We spend $400 billions dollars a day just on the interest on our national debt. Who's responsible for the behavior of the political class-- borrowing and printing that much money? Is our economic policy rational or insane?

Krista Branch who sings the rip roaring inspiring hit song, I Am America will be interviewed Tuesday 1, 2011 6 p.m blogtalkradio The Coping Coach Show. This song was written by Michael Branch, Krista's husband. We'll talk about what she and Michael went through to make it big in such a competitive business as the music business. I hope you'll tune in.

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