Friday, November 18, 2011

How The Mother fuckers Drove Me Crazy (1) by Mavis Dirks

How The Motherfuckers Drove Me Crazy!! by Mavis Dirks

I'm presuming I was not crazy from the moment of conception, although I have no confidence in the veracity of a conclusion arrived at by presuming. Americans presume America will go on whether or not they defend her against the internal destroyers of America or pretend they don't exist. My mother told me when I was 4 years old that she had tried to kill me when I was in utero but I did not die. The only thing that happened she said through moments of guffaws was her ears rang like dinner bells.

I had so many underground feelings picturing myself in her womb being prodded at and grabbed at--sensing though this woman was suppose to take care of me and keep me safe she was attempting to murder me!! That's pretty crazy. Childhood conviction: The world is crazy. Having no one to Talk and Share with, that conviction ruled part of my life for most of my life until I uncovered/remembered feeling/believing it. Never receiving clarification/explanation about my caregiver putting me in mortal danger before birth pretty much destroyed any sense of safety I had. Childhood conviction: I'm in danger.

No one to Talk and Share with no way to arrive at an understanding, to satisfy my intellect about those unfinished cycles (what Gestalt Therapy calls them) I continued on in life not completely moving forward - remaining at the space where I contemplated various possibilities of "why did this happen? how could this have happened" etc. all unconsciously for the most part, until I was guided to look at my feelings thoughts opinions decisions convictions arrived at at that time and examined them and realizing I now have choices, may choices with new awareness.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Stevie Wonder's Birthday's Today!

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Michelle Birdsong wrote:

If you listened to my last blogtalkradio show by dialing 323-843--6018 this past Tuesday you heard me saying good things about Steve, couple personal stories about him and me and of all things:pee! Today is his birthday. I'll call him and sing happy birthday to him later. I plan to ask him if I have his permission toplay his music on my show, Krista Branch who sang the song, I Am America, and his husband Michael Branch who wrote the song told me I can play their music anytime anywhere anyhow. I think Singh last created music for the world in 2005 - Recently, I was at dinner in a Japanese Restaurant with a young chinese girl, Wendy Z, who works for me. She's raving about a Korean girls' group of Rappers - chinese, twiwonese and korean, called Fx Danger. I watched them on her iPhone - over the top costumes, dancing, beauty and rapping, exciting, high energy videos. I asked Wendy how she liked Steve's music. She didn't know of him. Now she lives in America, speaks perfect english, unfortunately attends government school. dresses like an American, etc.

If you read my blog. "If I believe it's true, I'll Say It! Do We Need A Coffee Party to Wake Up America?" Which is also published on Amazon for Kindle, you'll remember me bitching about immigrants coming here just to rake in the dough but not get involved with being an American, not to contribute anything, indeed not even liking us.

The next day in my business partner's Jay Chen's office we watched American YouTube: Stevie Wonder in Japan etc., Graham T. Brown's Turn The Wine Back Into Water, with lyrics version and the without lyrics version;14 year old singer/musician/songwriter, Kory Scores' "I'm Crying For America," and parts of the Royals Wedding. Just to throw in humor though he wasn't joking, Howard Stearns video where he says the Democrats are all communists and he'll never vote for another one. I realized later I was doing my program, "Mainstreaming the Marginalized" with WendyZ and Jay.

Yesterday this free course - how to make your website profitable appeared on my computer. For the price of a hosting package and domain name purchase, I now have a new website,
I'm taking Linda (friend of 44 years) to dinner at Raj Mahal's at 6 p.m. to celebrate her birthday which was on the 11th. Love Tauruses, at least these 2.

Couple quotes for my Mainstreamers I'll share with you. 1% of the people do, 2% watch, 97% say, what happened?

2. If you continue to think what you've always thought, you'll continue to get, what you've always got!
3. If you want things in your life to change, you have to change things in your life!
4. To know but not to do, is not to know!
5. 2 geniuses mathematician/scientist, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, the inventor, proved "Whatever frequency you (your brain) emit that exact same frequency is drawn to you magnetically! Popularly called, The Law of Attraction.

Goodbye political tip: People paying attention are liquidating assets and buying gold and silver as George Soros, the Feds, and the rest of the Bureaucrats, Socialists, and Political/Ruling Class are tanking the dollar! Believe it or not! Words out, stop wasting your time and energy trying to clue the clueless, the group described by the saying, you can fool some of the people all the time) the lifeboats are being lowered, get your own *** together.

Photo by musician/songwriter/film maker Deborah Charles, her group, Vinyl Gypsy beginning a tour of Paris, Iceland and Amsterdam May 29th.

Michelle, Mom, Grandmom

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trump &/or Michele Bachman aren't. . .

organizing 1,000,000 + tea party people to go to D.C. and stay there until their elected representatives do the right thing and defend our country, IMPEACH! How come Bachman &/or Trump are not doing that??? Hitler dismantled Germany and took it over in 6 months without a shot being fired.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royals Wedding,Atlas Shrugged,LtColCongressman Allen West for President 2012


I get that there are spoilers out there who pooh pooh anything more elevated than a beer and the belch to go with it, due to an unfortunate jealous heart or like Michelle O so many faux paus I don't even know how to spell the term, where's Robin when I need her education? Oh Presenting a Paper before some August Body in Florence) But you know what I mean faux paus as in "screw ups," that you miss out on THE Social Event of the Century, (what people like her live for) The Royals Wedding as in a gracious Lady Commoner, Kate Middleton marries the Heir to the Throne of England (I guess after the Prince or Duke of Cambridge, William's Dad who the ever devoted to duty, Queen Elizabeth wouldn't let anywhere near the Throne after the whole Camilla embarrassment he brought upon the Monarchy, how am I doing Robin?). Anyhow, did I make my point? The W.H.who bows before dictators and shuns and humiliates our friends, Israel and England did not receive an invite which to you might mean little but believe me to her, meant EVERYTHING! Fox News who tells the truth about everybody and who are smeared regularly by traitors in power was invited. Martha and Shep represented America quite nicely. For once the good people won.

The other news is read the comments on Atlas Shrugged the movie on Facebook. They show clearly that this Movie is also a major Event/Happening we use to call such a rare source of inspiration and excitement. Despite the virtual main stream media blackout we the people are seeing and enjoying this "different" kind of movie. Ayn Rand was a visionary. And this movie like the book shows exactly what is going on in the here and NOW! And the people are seeing it. So make sure you go see it and take 14 friends. You will all be happy you did!

Lt Col Congressman Allen West for President I say and so does Beck. The Congressman says he's not running. The last I heard Glenn Beck was planning to trick him into running. Good luck with that approach Beck. That man is as good a man as George Washington or the other Great People Founders. Glenn Beck has been turning over every leaf looking for another George Washington ever since he realized what danger our freedom is in. To make this email short I'll briefly relate some of the YouTube Video Congressman West made telling the story of the world's greatest warriors, the Spartans. Toward the end of the story, he says it was the mothers of the Spartan army men that made them such fierce fighters. You have to check out the Video yourself to appreciate his telling of the entire tale. While you're at it check out the Video where the Lt Col said (what won me over immediately upon hearing) somebody asked him if he'd do what he got into trouble in the army for doing again to get information from the enemy to save his men? He said, I'd walk through fire with a can of gasoline to save my men! I know Erik you would rather take a different route as we tweeted about. lol Everybody read Erik Rush's brilliant book, Negrophilia, if you want to understand why you think what you think. Any other time in history this book would be in the schools instead of books by communists. Unless you watch Fox News or Fox Business Network or you may not know that the Congressman happens to have color in his skin. Whatever that means. Nothing. He also said he stands before the world today because his mother told him this important command: A Man must stand for something, or else he will fall for anything!

Love to all!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Atlas Shrugged Movie of a Lifetime

The book Atlas Shrugged written by genius Ayn Rand has finally been made into a movie. It's about a woman who ran a railroad. A smart, strong, authentic, courageous woman who teams up with an equally rare soul, a heroic entrepreneur named Reardon.

Naturally at this time in America there are strong forces uniting to keep this movie from being known about. Main stream media is refusing to accept ads.

It is a powerful and profound movie. The book and the movie will cause you to rethink your lifelong presumptions as it did the actors in the movie and anyone who sees it or reads the book. This is an amazing, astonishing once in a lifetime set of revolutionary concepts, compared to the boring absurd puny brained suicidal left wing socialist leanings that we've been programmed with for the past 60 years. You'll never be the same after hearing Rand's brilliant crystal clear dialogue. Treat yourself.

Do not let propaganda make you cheat yourself of experiencing the profundity and honesty these human characters who are living models of courage, self confidence and total faith in themselves. You will leave that movie inspire after witnessing the galloping triumph of the human spirit to achieve greatness!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Michelle & Brandon of TeaBook! Love Glenn Beck!

Thank you Brandon for creating TeaBook. I'm new here and I'm just hearing about you. How does one really thank someone for giving them a family - a group of people with like minds to share thoughts and feelings with. People who appreciate your (my) reasoning. It's never happened to me before. Thank you. Hopefully we can benefit the guilty white fools, described by Erik Rush in his honest and well thought through book, Negrophilia, our propagandized brainwashed (as I was for 60 years) sleeping ignorant fearful fellow citizens. I agree w/Earl Larsen.

Months ago I was telling people in my environment mostly black that Obama had pulled off the biggest scam in the history of the country. Historic election first black president my foot! So he got credibility because he took lessons in how to be black from J. the ingrate multi millionaire communist Wright for over 20 years and from any radical he could find in college as he proudly admitted in his book, and he must be black because he's married to a black woman, I suppose we're suppose to believe. Does that make his time spent learning as a child a pupil in a muslim school in Indonesia or his parents and grandparents being socialists/communists, the same learning, the same background/culture as other black Americans, like me? Not even close. just another regular black american. No way. He never sat beside me in the back of the bus, I didn't see him drinking from that dusty "for coloreds" water fountain I drank from whenever I was thirsty and downtown in the southern town where i lived.

Did you read The Roots of Obama's Rage or a new book which I haven't read but listening to the author on cable he sounded like he had the facts to back his claims. Taking Obama Apart or some such title. Excuse me author. No, Obama's ancestors did not pick cotton w/mine in some Mississippi Delta. My point: Trump probably wasn't one who "found my letters and read each one out loud" (song lyric Killing me Softly, sang perfectly by Roberta Flack) he probably figured it out using his own brain like I did. You did hear Trump say on Cable that if Obama isn't qualified to be president he's pulled off the biggest scam blah blah. It's a no brainer folk. Just because the headsanders try to shout down or distract from a calm logical discussion by calling citizens who ask questions they don't want to answer, "birthers." Think: Sticks and stones. I guess they want us to dumb ourselves down as much as Harvard, Stanford, Brown et al. These people (Left) constantly insult our intelligence like Weiner's fake sissy melt down against calm strong Representative King - which got Weiner a ton of publicity for his out of control rant (supposedly). He realizes he can get a ton of publicity for acting crazy and some people think it gives his emotional approach to reasoning his point view validity. He was funny and likable the other night making jokes about main stream media's failing ratings.

As we in America are conditioned to see how a person looks, extensions/plugs, botox, fat? except Michael Moore who only wears a suit when he's on Fox News being interviewed by Sean Hannity and who most other times gets away w/looking like an unwashed bum, the Left looks to see how a person looks, as opposed to overlooking for the most part the insignificant and irrelevant and listening closely to what's important - his mind.

That transparent sob story Reid laid out on the floor of congress Friday night (notice his soft spoken tones. We'd have to be -soft in the head to fall for that blatant attempt to the overly emotional and underly objective thinkers in America--about how his kids and grandkids and WOMEN of the WORLD wouldn't be able to get their blood pressure taken, try Duane Reade or some other pharmacy-they do blood pressure screenings for free, from time to time.

If congress stopped spending taxpayers' money filling the pockets of Planned Parenthood and other Left wing groups enabling Planned Parenthood for example to continue killing the unborn particularly black fetuses, 30% of abortions are done to kill black babies - how come naacp and all those other black leaders collecting money for helping black people aren't helping the black unborn; how come black congressional caucus and black congress people how come they aren't stopping the murder of black unborn, government union bosses $200,000,000 of your members' dues to elect Obama and more money spent to elect other democrats and not $250 to stop the killing of black unborn? I don't understand this. What could be more important?

The evil Glenn Beck gave Dr. King's daughter, Dr. Alveda King a forum to inform America of this genocide. That doesn't seem evil to me. Warning to Trump if you continue questioning Obama's qualification to be President seeing as how he refuses to show his birth certificate, not that unofficial paper that doesn't even bear a signature, prepare to be called a "birther" by the headsanders the consequence I suppose is your house will fall down or something of that magnitude will happen to you otherwise why would people care if somebody calls them a birther. But if you do care, think sticks and stones. I'll close this discussion with the question: Why would somebody spend $2,000,000 to shut people up who ask the questions such as why does your aunt say she was present at your birth in Kenya? 2nd question wouldn't it be cheaper to show your real birth certificate not that piece of paper that you've shown in past that bears no signature. It's rumored you bought that at Bloomberg documents, lol. It's no joke if the president is not a legal president. And its even less funny ha ha funny if we cannot ask the question, ask any question, aren't we still free? Isn't this still a Republic? Don't "we the people" retain our freedom as given us by God and The Constitution. One more point, the republicans are copying progressives aka dems aka liberals and saying everybody does it, both parties do it - whether its true or not whether its the point or now. First of all if they're telling the truth they should be told, two wrongs don't make a right. I was taught that truth by my guardian who had a 3rd grade education. Stop it and be real, Republicans. Let the Left stand on their own 2 feet. Actually, after 50 years of being there, I've given up on the Left. At least TheRight loves - they love their families hence the Tea Parties, they love their country, hence the Tea Parties. And you use your brains and not just your emotions. I'm expecting great things from the Right. Not perfection just honesty and integrity.

What do I want for my birthday, I want the names of the gutless wonders who caved in easily intimidated w/some threats from people unfamiliar with our freedom of speech clauses here in America or who just said screw you free people I've got enough money to buy anything I want, including enough people - so called media to keep you lulled into a false sense of security. I will buy people to lie and destroy the guy who keeps telling people what I'm doing which is using my money and power to move idiots around like puppets to use them to destroy their own freedom their own way of life. This guy actually showed videos of Americas enemies. He named names places and dates. Did you really think I would allow him to stop me from destroying you? Ha! It's too much fun getting to feel like I'm God. You pay people enough money they'll worship you and treat you like you're God. They don't care about their country. They care about themselves. But this guy put his heart and soul into trying to save America as we know her. He under estimated the power of MY money to purchase minds and hearts. I know for i've done this before. This guy told everybody listening that I've done this before. WHAT THE HELL ELSE KIND OF FUN CAN A MAN HAVE WHO CAN BUY ANYTHING OR ANYONE except Glenn Beck. Beck also tried to warn America about O'sama bin Laden. Now he keeps telling Americans to READ, read the "Insurrection" and google Fabian Socialists. Don't believe me, Beck says do your own homework. ReadThe Roots of Obama's Rage by Dinesh D'souza, and Hannity's another Fox Hero, who has written books you need to read, ditto Dick Morris' book, "Revolt," and there are a ton more including Daniel Hanlon book, The New Road to Serfdom, a warning to America. Hanlon of course is a 11 year member of English Parliament who is in awe of America's Constitution. I saw Hanlon, Ambassador John Bolton and somebody else on with Beck one day. It was an amazing show as are all his shows. I call them classes. Because he is constantly teaching America's real history, the truth of the Feds, the Black Founders, TheWomanFounders et al. Beck is a real person,from what I've I've seen. I've never seen anyone try harder than Beck has tried to help us save ourselves and our children and our grandchildren. One night he said, "Pray," And I did. And very soon afterward, a crisis arose in my life without that strength of will I'd gained in prayer I don't know that i would have been able to bear it.

I believe with all my heart that Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and sometimes Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock are Blessings from God. I hope Glenn Beck remembers that all things work out for the best for those who love the Lord.

May God continue to Bless you, me, Americans and America, yea okay, and the rest of Creation, especially Glenn Beck.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Talk and Share w/Grandma about stupid/genius

Some people like stupid. Me, I like genius. Geniuses are people who think objectively to my mind. Like babies who are born geniuses (unless they're affected by and left with unresolved issues in vitro which would interfere with clear, objective thinking.) I agree with Dr. Wayne Dyer, babies are born geniuses until (as Buckminster Fuller said) grown ups/life de-geniuses them. The Saints or God People are the most intelligent beings in the world looking at Creation from the top down.

But there are plenty of plain ordinary run of the mill geniuses in America who have the ability to be honest, humble, well informed who think objectively. Dr. Keith Ablow said "You can tell when someone is lying." I found this to be true. Watching reality crime shows, for example, after the detectives interview the perps, the detectives walk out and says, he's lying, or he knows more than he's saying, or I believe her. 99 out of 100% of the time, that detective's reading is correct, because of years of experience or powerful intuition or keen instincts or logical thinking.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More tips to help you grow yourself and your business

Resources - free or cheap!

SCORE these retired executives have lots of business smarts and are willing to volunteer to counsel you. This past Saturday, for just $59 they taught how to write a business plan . And what we need to know regarding the bottom line of a business - making money!

Another great resource of information - Fox Business Network (they give you the power to prosper) Cheryl Casone went to Purchase NY today and interviewed the CEO of Pepsico, their scientists, their lab, their recycle program--on and off all day we learned inside information from the people who make things happen in this hugly successful corporation worth billions of dollars. They are the second largest food and beverage company in the world. I am constantly being amazed at the high level of information this network gives us new small businesses. Also you can see the winners of the best videos (I think Pepsi videos I'm not sure) contest Sunday during the Super Bowl. Do you think they copied me lol!! I have a contest for the best video of the guitar virtuoso Singh Birdsong going on for months now on my website I'm thinkng though I have great prizes I may have to up the cash prize to $1000 maybe $2000 to encourage better videos. What do you think? Would you get off the couch and find Singh Birdsong gigging for $2000.

Until tomorrow, thanks for reading my thoughts. I'd be happy to hear yours anytime. I love to Talk and Share.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Up from Down emotionally & economically

Tip: Remember the law of attraction, you have to monitor your thoughts. And make sure you are mostly in a state of feeling good so that you attract good back to you, back into your life! Paying attention is the most important work of being a human being.

I'm posting a partial script that will help solve your problem of not generating enough money from your business.

It's a matter of admitting your feelings and states of mind. I'll post the admissions in the first person. I'm stumped. I'm not knowing why I've not sold my products and services and self. I'm completely stunned and stumped, baffled, perplexed. I want my products and service bought by the Market place.
I'm satisfied they are exceptional offerings which makes it all the more puzzling that I'm not moving them. I have the conviction that the problem lies in the way I think.

Okay. A couple questions, please. Can Man Govern Himself? We spend $400 billions dollars a day just on the interest on our national debt. Who's responsible for the behavior of the political class-- borrowing and printing that much money? Is our economic policy rational or insane?

Krista Branch who sings the rip roaring inspiring hit song, I Am America will be interviewed Tuesday 1, 2011 6 p.m blogtalkradio The Coping Coach Show. This song was written by Michael Branch, Krista's husband. We'll talk about what she and Michael went through to make it big in such a competitive business as the music business. I hope you'll tune in.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tips: #2 - How To Get To The Top

I'll start with a few quotes I bumped into and liked: The first and best victory is to conquer self- Plato. So true Mr. Plato. Except I would say "conquer our mind" instead of self. We are not our minds.

There was this guy who always stumbled over the truth. But he always managed to get up, brush himself off and act like he'd found nothing new out. Churchill

I'm not sure I copied that quote exactly it's not flowing as smoothly as sounded when the guy on Cable said it. But we can still get the point. We all know people who refuse to accept the truth. Thank God that's not one of my 101 weaknesses.

Okay let's see what Brian Tracy is saying today in his book, No Excuses about how we can create success for ourselves: Oh, Tracy's stating H.L. Hunt's 3 requirements for success are - Hunt we all know maybe was at one time the richest billionaire in the country: 1. Decide exactly what it is you want from life. 2. Determine the price that you are going to have to pay to get the things you want. 3. Most important: Resolve to pay that price! Makes sense. So let's do it - those who haven't already done so. My friend, oh new topic, Rochelle told me that scared straight scared her. I bumped into that show on cable last night. I was struck by the wisdom those prisoners/teachers had - gained perhaps during their time in prison. Experience is the best teacher. One huge hunky man got into a kid's face yelling really powerful warnings - he then said "are you feeling me" whoa! The kid nodded. I was reminded of what Fox News Dr. Keith Ablow said: "People know when somebody's lying. Yep. Vibes are real. One of few useful findings of the 60s.

I felt as pulled toward those prisoner/teachers as I felt when I saw those lost souls those native americans stuck on the reservations with nothing to do. God, I wanted to help them. They are doing a great thing teaching those kids about 1 road they don't want to travel. It's an absolutely fascinating show because it's real. Those guys are real. And it gave me hope because these kids with their drugs and their texting and watching stupid TV shows and their indiscriminate sex and their lack of respect for their own Creator have completely turned me off of American youth. I've been helping my grandkids the next generation. You know what's interesting how come some people can start being normal after a one day experience while others take a lifetime to grow to enough understanding that they can become normal. I suppose it depends on how boluxed up one's mind is. Those kids weren't as screwed up as others. Most of the kids changed but 3 did not.I know it's about micro blogging these days. Sorry I wanted to say macro - I'll post more soon. Love to you all. And thanks for listening.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tips: How To Get To The Top

Quote from Brian Tracy's new book, No Excuses - He quotes Longfellow "Those heights by great men, won and kept were not achieved by sudden flight. But they, while their comabnions slept, we toiling upward in the night." Hey Hey. Don't you love it!! Work hard. Okay. We knew that, right? Right?

Oh check out Krista Branch (hit, I am America!) on my blogtalkradio show, The Coping Coach Tuesday, February 8, 2011 6 p.m. Dial 323-843-6018 to listen to the show on the phone.

Question of our time: Can Man Govern Himself?

Best buy: Tons of fun stuff and gigs helpful to your business all for $5 - read offerings closely. Make sure you know what they're selling. And make sure it's what you want to buy. Also if you have something to sell for $5 you can do it on this site. Tell them Americanon was bragging about them again. No, they don't pay me. I just love shopping there. And I'm betting you will too. You can't beat their price! Right? Goodnight.